Book Title: Organise Your Life - Free yourself from Clutter & find more personal time
Author: Roni Eisenberg with kate Kelly
Year written/published: 2007
Summary: Organising in all facets of life… Life, Household, Kitchen, Holidays, Traveling, Office… etc.
My Comments: Very useful book!
Some extracts:
Toss Every month:
ATM and Bank deposit slips
Credit Card receipts
Sale receipts and minor purchases
Toss after 2 years:
Monthly bank and credit card statements
monthly or quarterly brokerage and mutual fund statements after you’ve reconciled them with your year end reports
monthly mortgage statements
phone and utility bills
paycheck stubs after you’ve reconciled them with your annual tax filling
hold until sold:
confirmation slips for securities
real estate deeds
home improvement records
Retain for 7 years:
Tax filling
year end statement from credit card companies
phone and utility bills if you deduct for business expense
canceled checks and receipts’ statements for annual mortgage, interest and property taxes, deductible business expenses, child-care bills, out of pocket medical costs
keep indefinitely:
annual tax returns
year end statements from financial service companies
confirmation slips of purchase price of any investments you own