date Jan 11, 2008
authors Paul McGee
reading time 2 mins
  • Book Title: S.U.M.O (Shut Up, Move On) The Straight Talking guide to creating and enjoying a brilliant life
  • Author: Paul McGee
  • Year written/published: 2005
  • Book Source: Google Books, Library
  • Summary: Personal improvement for life
  • My Comments: Short, succinct, frank!
  • Contents page:

1. Change you T-Shirt 2. Develop Fruity Thinking 3. Hippo Time is OK 4. Remember the Beachball 5. Learn Latin 6. Ditch Doris Day

Some extracts:

some quotations…

  • People tend to overestimate what they can achieve in a year, and underestimate what they can achieve in a lifetime ~Anthony Robbins
  • At the end of the day do not be the kind of person who says I wish I had, I wish I had, I wish I had. Be the kind of person who says I’m glad I did, I’m glad I did, I’m glad I did. ~Zig Ziglar

Avoid Victim Language… replace with SUMO language…

  1. Life is not fair – I am unhappy about that, what can I do?
  2. This is just the way I am – How can I improve?
  3. There’s nothing I can do – There’s always something I can do
  4. It’s impossible – let’s find a way
  5. Who is to blame? – How can we move forward?
  6. I am a victim – I am a survivor

TEAR Thinking: Thinking -> Emotions -> Actions -> Results Fruity Thinking:

  1. I am worth more because of who I am, not because of what I do
  2. I learn from the past but I do not remain rooted in it. I know when to let go and when to move on.
  3. I am responsible. I have choices. No one else plays as big a role in determining my destiny as I do.
  4. I choose to major on the majors. I am aware of the big picture and focus on what is important. I see things in perspective.

top 3 tips for Hippo Times (times when you truly need a period for wallowing eg. death, loss of job, accident etc)

  1. Be careful of who you talk to
  2. Be careful how many people you talk to (to re-tell is to relive)
  3. be careful how long your Hippo time lasts

Why do we procrastinate:

  1. Avoiding discomfort
  2. Emotional Barriers
  3. fear of failure
  4. complacency
  5. Action illusion

Some questions for inner coaching:

  1. Where is this issue on a scale of 1-10?
  2. How important will this be in 6 months’ time?
  3. Is my response appropriate and effective?
  4. How can I Influence or improve the situation?
  5. What can I learn from this?
  6. What will I do differently next time?
  7. What can I find that’s positive in this situation?